Koutecky-Levich Analysis (RDE)1总览当在电极表面发生的半反应速率受到质量传递和缓慢动力学的组合的限制时,通常可以使用旋转圆盘电极来阐明用正确设计的 Levich方法来研究质量传递参数(如扩散系数D)和动力学参…
Koutecky-Levich曲线上数据的线性部分用Koutecky-Levich方程描述。 将倒数电流(1/i)与角旋转速率(ω-1/2)的倒数根作图,得到一条截距等于倒数动力学电流(1/iK)的直线。动力学电流(iK)是在没有任何质量输运限制的情况下观察到的电流。通过沿伏安图测量各种不同过电位下的动力学电流,可以确定电化学半反应的标准速率...
Compton, Koutecky-Levich analysis applied to nanoparticle modified rotating disk electrodes: Electrocatalysis or misinterpretation. Nano Res. 7(1), 71-78 (2014)Masa J, Batchelor-McAuley C, Schuhmann W, Compton RG (2014) Koutecky-Levich analysis applied to nanoparticle modified rotating disk ...
koutecky-levich analysis applied to nanoparticle modified rotating disk electrodes: electrocatalysis or misinterpretation?1硑寉 下载积分: 500 内容提示: D o I 10. 1007/ s12274— 013-0372-0 R u u m h A rtic le K 0 ute C ky—L eV iCh a n aly s is a p p l ied to na n o p a...
K0uteCky—LeViChanalysisappliedtonanoparticle modifiedrotatingdiskelectrodes:EIeCtroCataIySiS ormiSinterpretatiOn? JustusMasa’. _ ,ChristopherBatchelor.McAuley’ ,WolfgangSchuhmann,andRichardG.Compton’(囡) 1DepartmentofChemistry,PhysicalandTheoreticalChemistryLaboratory,UniversityofOxford,SouthP0rksRoad,OxfordOXl3...
K-L analysis provides a powerful tool for extracting electrokinetic information from RDE measurements. Herein, we have provided some logical extensions to the K-L method, in particular, to address situations where some of the underlying assumptions of the K-L equation do not hold. One such situa...
It is demonstrated that Koutecky-Levich analysis is applicable and yields the expected plots of I 1 versus ω 1 where I is the current and ω is the rotation speed but that the values of the electrochemical rate constants inferred are thereof k app o , not k o . Thus, for ψ > 1 ...
Masa J, Batchelor-McAuley C, Schuhmann W, Compton RG (2014) Koutecky-Levich analysis applied to nanoparticle modified rotating disk electrodes: electrocatalysis or misinterpretation. Nano Res 7(1):71–78J. Masa, C. Batchelor-McAuley, W. Schuhmann, R.G. Compton, Koutecky-Levich analysis ...
Lyons, M.E.G. Mediated electron transfer at redox active monolayers. Part 2. Analysis of the chronoamperometric response to a potential step perturbation. Sensors 2002, 2, 314-330.Lyons, Michael E.G., Mediated Electron Transfer at Redox Active Monolayers. Part 4: Kinetics of Redox Enzymes ...