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Koupon能根据用户偏好提供个性化交易推荐,节省搜索有效亚马逊促销码的时间和精力,并定期更新交易以确保相关性和准确性。 某3C卖家,在deal news花12000+元30天出60单,在Koupon出180+单(高客单价),Koupon相比传统deal网站,会结合产品标签对精准用户进行edm推流。 ✅渠道特点: 在Koupon平台上能被搜索 基于用户行为偏好...
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Koupon能根据用户偏好提供个性化交易推荐,节省搜索有效亚马逊促销码的时间和精力 ,并定期更新交易以确保相关性和准确性。 某3C卖家,在deal news花12000+元30天出60单,在Koupon出180+单(高客单价)。Koupon相比传统deal网站,会结合产品标签对精准用户进行edm推流。 3 Amazon 渠道特点 1、可在平台被搜索。 2、基于用户...
简介:Koupon是美国的一家便利零售及消费品牌服务商,专注于开发一个API或基于Web的数字平台吸引消费者,并提高消费者参与促销活动的热情,为便利零售及CPG品牌增加销售额,致力于促进零售商与消费者之间的联系与交易。 融资历程 1 导出 序号披露日期融资轮次融资金额企业估值比例投资方关联机构来源 ...
KouponZetu connects Businesses and Individuals to Customers by packaging Merchants’ PRODUCTS and SERVICES as DEALS, BARGAINS and DISCOUNT. Create and customize DEALS as Coupons, Perks and Group Deals to grow your Brand and Market reach. Reward Brand loyalty through Coupons, Perks (Cashback) and Loy...
As an avid online shopper and deal enthusiast, I’m always on the lookout for tools that can help me save money without spending hours scouring the internet. When I first heard about, I was intrigued but skeptical. Could an AI-powered platform really revolutionize the way we find...
Kouponier brings you the latest coupons, promo codes and discounts to save money with exclusive deals from the stores you love.
Koupon, a consumer tech company & graduate of tech wildcatters’ accelerator program acquired by PDI.
Save as much as 70% cash on groceries, restaurants, apparel, health, beauty and more with KouponZetu Coupons & Perks. KouponZetu enables members earn Perks as P…