as null and zero are not the same thing. Perhaps theMissingKotlinParameterExceptionshould be the default behaviour, and some kind of annotation could set an option to allow either converting nulls to 0, false, "" etc, or to allow replacing the inputnullwith the default value if a default v...
fundefaultParameter(x:Int=5,y:String,z:Long=0L){...}funmain(){defaultParameter(y="aaa")} 4.4 高阶函数 参数类型包含函数类型或返回值类型为函数类型的函数为高阶函数 publicinlinefun<R>>R):List<R>{//参数类型包含函数类型(Int) -> R,返回值类型包含函数类型List...
}private: Any { println()valctor = clazz.constructors.first()valargs = { createFakeObject(it) }.toTypedArray() println()returnctor.newInstance(*args) }privatedataclass(valclasses: List<Class<*>>,valdefaultValue: () -> Any, ) } If you use IntelliJ ...
//利用具名函数,将值准确传给 y: String fun defaultParameter(x: Int = 5, y: String, z: Long = 0L){ } // 变长参数 fun multiParameters(vararg ints: Int){ println(ints.contentToString()) } // 伪多返回值 fun multiReturnValues(): Triple<Int, Long, Double> { return Triple(1, 3L...
else fill in a default.//Like a single-argument version of the existing getParameters method.publicObjectgetParameter(SettableBeanPropertyprop) throwsJsonMappingException{Objectvalue;if(hasParameter(prop)) { value=_creatorParameters[prop.getCreatorIndex()]; }else{ value=_creatorParameters[prop.getCreator...
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull($this$registerTextWatcher,"$receiver"); $this$registerTextWatcher.beforeTextChanged((Function4)(newFunction4 { // $FF: synthetic method // $FF: bridge method publicObjectinvoke(Object var1, Object var2, Object var3, Object var4){ ...
getValue(this, $$delegatedProperties[0]); } public final void setName(@NotNull String var1) { Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(var1, "<set-?>");$delegate.setValue(this, $$delegatedProperties[0], var1); } public final int getAge() { return ((Number)this.age$delegate....
checkParameterIsNotNull(args, "args"); Function3 sum = (Function3)null.INSTANCE;//实例化的是FunctionN接口中Function3,因为有三个参数 int var2 = ((Number)sum.invoke(1, 2, 3)).intValue(); System.out.println(var2); } } lambda反编译后的代码 package com.mikyou.kotlin.lambda.simple; ...
在语言层面中,协程 Coroutine 是续体 Continuation 的一个实现,协程创建完毕之后将通过 CoroutineStart.invoke()以默认的 CoroutineStart.DEFAULT /** * Defines start options for coroutines builders. * It is used in `start` parameter of [launch][CoroutineScope.launch], [async][CoroutineScope.async], an...