androidkotlinlibraryproxyandroid-sdkkotlin-libraryandroid-libraryhttp-requestsokhttpinterceptornetwork-monitoringokhttpclientokhttp3network-analysishacktoberfestokhttputilsokhttp3-utilokhttp3-integrationokhttp-interceptorokhttp-client UpdatedOct 14, 2024 ...
Introducing A New Way to Discover Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries is an easy web service that allows you to find a Kotlin Multiplatform library for a specific purpose that supports selected platforms (JVM, Android JVM, Wasm, JS, Kotlin/Nati… ...
尝试使用kotlin来写项目,引用本地的library出现编译Unresolved reference的问题,记录下解决方案。 添加kotlin的引用(1) 添加kotlin的引用(2) 即在library的build.gradle下面引用kotlin即可。
要将指定转换应用于键,请使用 mapKeys();反过来,mapValues() 转换值。 这两个函数都使用将映射条目作为参数的转换,因此可以操作其键与值。 fun main() { val numbersMap = mapOf("key1" to 1, "key2" to 2, "key3" to 3, "key11" to 11) println(numbersMap.mapKeys { it.key.toUpperCase() }...
This document contains information about the different methods to integrate new libraries into your Kotlin Kernel for Jupyter notebooks. It also describes the supported integration features a library can provide when integrated into your Kotlin Kernel. ...
1.Kotlin标准库(Kotlin Standard Library) Kotlin标准类库为kotlin日常工作提供了重要工具:1.高阶函数实现惯用模式(let,apply,use,synchronized等);2.扩展函数为集合(eager)和序列(lazy)提供查询操作;3.各种实用程序用于处理字符串和字符序列;4.作为JDK类的扩展,方便地处理文件流,IO,线程等操作; ...
The native Kotlin library has two dependencies, which you don't want to expose to C# world, define two transformations to ignore them completely. Important to say, the native members won't be stripped from the resulting binary, only C# classes won't be generated. Java Decompiler can be ...
We are excited to introduce Kandy, a new Kotlin plotting library by JetBrains. It provides a new, powerful DSL for creating charts of various kinds. The first public preview version is ready for you to try, and we welcome any feedback and comments you may have. ...
Kotlin Multiplatform is an awesome solution to create a common library for our projects. This approach unlocks an interesting feature, to create rich models and share most of the app behavior between platforms. Based on this solution we can minimize the amount of code we need to create our app...