您可以在vscode中安装“Code Runner”扩展(formulahendry.code-runner)。该扩展支持运行多种编程语言的...
打开Visual Studio Code,按下“Command+Shift+P”组合键,打开命令面板,并输入“Kotlin: Configure Kotlin Runtime”。 选择“Kotlin Compiler(Stable)”选项,然后按下“Enter”键。 在弹出的窗口中输入 Kotlin SDK 的路径,通常是“/usr/local/kotlin”(如果您已经使用 Homebrew 安装 Kotlin,则路径可能略有不同),然...
NuGet 包包含其他开发人员提供的在项目中使用的可重用代码。 使用 NuGet 包管理器、包管理器控制台或 dotnet CLI 在 Visual Studio 项目中安装包。 本文介绍使用热门的 Newtonsoft.Json 包和 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 项目的过程。 相同的过程适用于任何其他 .NET 或 .NET Core 项目。
-Reported Mar 24, 2021 7:29 PM Error when compilation of android gradle project : e: [kapt] ‘com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context’ class can’t be found (‘tools.jar’ is absent in the plugin classpath). Kapt won’t work gradle-wrapper version 6.7.1 and 6.8.3. ...
Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe[✓] Visual Studio - develop for Windows (Visual Studio Community 2022 17.6.3)• Visual Studio at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community• Visual Studio Community 2022 version 17.6.33801.468• Windows 10 SDK version 10.0.22000.0[...
...editions of the JetBrains IntelliJ Idea IDE, as well as in the Android Studio IDE...For Android Studio, use Plugin Manager to upgrade to Kotlin 1.3...This is available in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, and Android Studio. 1.4...
(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community • Visual Studio Community 2019 version 16.10.31321.278 • Windows 10 SDK version 10.0.19041.0 [!] Android Studio (not installed) • Android Studio not found; download from https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html (or visit https://...
You’ll also have the support of our amazing community in Slack, where everyone shares tips, ideas, and solutions – learning together makes it all the more fun. There are exclusive prizes to be won along the way.So join in, solve some Advent of Code puzzles, and enjoy the holiday codin...
The question of whether to choose Kotlin or Java for new development has been coming up a lot in the Android community since the Google I/O announcement, although people were already asking the question in February 2016 when Kotlin 1.0 shipped. The short answer is that Kotlin code is safer ...
In terms of community support and ecosystem, Kotlin has a strong advantage. It has been embraced by the Android community and has a large and active developer community. There are many resources, libraries, and frameworks available for Kotlin. So, it is easier for developers to find help and...