random = start + random return random } 生成随机字符串 func RandString(len int) string {...
.toLongOrNull() // verifyWithPublicKey gets a key from Space, uses it to generate message hash // and compares the generated hash to the hash in a message if (signature.isNullOrBlank() || timestamp == null || !spaceClient.verifyWithPublicKey(body, timestamp, signature) ) { call....
return String.format("#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b) } fun main() { val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) val colors = numbers.map { generateRandomColor() } println(colors) } 在上面的示例代码中,我们定义了一个generateRandomColor函数,用于生成随机的颜色字符串。然后,我们使用map函数对nu...
The generator accepts any class implementing the java random interface. The default is the SecureRandom implementation and should not be changed unless you know what you are doing! The char pool specifies the list of characters that can be used to generate the string. ...
generateSequence 针对某个序列,你可能会定义一个只要序列有新值产生就被调用一下的函数,这样的函数叫迭代器函数,要定义一个序列和它的迭代器,你可以使用Koti的序列构造函数generateSequence,generateSequencei函数接受一个初始种子值作为序列的起步值,在用generateSequence定义的序列上调用一个函数时,generateSequence函数会...
val numSequence = numbers.asSequence()println("numSequence: $numSequence")//通过函数generateSequence()创建序列,默认创建的序列是无限的;如果想创建有限数列,那么最后一个元素需要返回nullval oddNumbers =generateSequence(1) { it +2}// `it` 是上一个元素println(oddNumbers.take(5).toList())// [1...
importcom.rickclephas.kmp.nativecoroutines.NativeCoroutinesclassRandomLettersGenerator{//Somewhere in your Kotlin code you define a suspend function//and annotate it with @NativeCoroutines@NativeCoroutinessuspendfungetRandomLetters():String{//Code to generate some random letters} } ...
private fun startOfflineMapJob(offlineMapJob: GenerateOfflineMapJob) { // create a temporary file path to save the offlineMapJob json file val offlineJobJsonPath = getExternalFilesDir(null)?.path + getString(R.string.offlineJobJsonFile) /...
要基于函数构建序列,请以该函数作为参数调用generateSequence()。 可以将第一个元素指定为显式值或函数调用的结果。 当提供的函数返回null时,序列生成停止。因此,以下示例中的序列是无限的。 代码语言:java 复制 val generateSequence = generateSequence(1) { it + 2 } println(generateSequence.take(5).toList(...