Since coroutines have theexperimentalstatus in Kotlin 1.1, by default the compiler reports a warning every time they are used. We can opt-in for the experimental feature and use it without a warning by adding this code tobuild.gradle: 代码语言:javascript 复制 apply plugin:'kotlin'kotlin{experi...
Since coroutines have theexperimentalstatus in Kotlin 1.1, by default the compiler reports a warning every time they are used. We can opt-in for the experimental feature and use it without a warning by adding this code to build.gradle: apply plugin: 'kotlin' kotlin { experime...
Coroutines support Coroutinessupport is an experimental feature in Kotlin 1.2, so the Kotlin compiler reports a warning when you use coroutines in your project. To turn off the warning, add the following block to yourbuild.gradlefile: kotlin { experimental { coroutines 'enable' } } Or, with...
目前为止Kotlin Coroutines还是实验性的特性,因此使用Kotlin Coroutines需要在app模块的build.gradle添加一些东西,直接在android片段后面加上下面的代码: kotlin { experimental { coroutines 'enable' } } 然后再添加两个依赖: implementation"org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:0.20"implementation"org.jetbra...
引入Coroutines //在application的build.gradle文件中的android节点添加如下的代码 kotlin { experimental { coroutines 'enable' } } //添加下面两行到依赖中 implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:0.20" implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:0.20" ...
experimental { coroutines "enable" } } 实现步骤 所有的异步操作都是通过实现了TaskDataSource接口的TasksRepository,TasksLocalDataSource和TasksRemoteDataSource实现。 TaskDataSource 中的函数因为可能进行密集操作,因此为这些函数添加suspend关键字。将 callback 替换为返回Result对象。
其次,Coroutine目前还只是experimental阶段,但是翻阅官方文档可以看到,async/await以及launch等接口将来不太会改变,所以你可以引入相关的静态方法,将来成熟之后,只需要将import里面的experimental字样删除便可,这样可以最小化迁移成本。 以Vert.x的Eventbus.send方法为例: ...
API is experimental, and it is not guaranteed it won't be changed (while it is marked as @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi). Like the rest of experimental API, DebugProbes is carefully designed, tested and ready to use in both test and production environments. It is marked as experimental to leave...
experimental { coroutines"enable"} } 2、配置好了之后,先sync再run,然后的Build窗口就会出现下面这个页面: 问题解决: 最简单粗暴的方式就是回退版本,如下所示: ext.kotlin_version='1.2.61'ext.coroutines_version='0.25.0' 接下来还是sync --> run,代码就可以跑起来了。