在Kotlin中,枚举(Enum)是一种特殊的类,用于定义一组固定的常量。序列化是将对象转换为JSON格式的过程,以便于存储或传输。反序列化则是将JSON数据转换回对象的过程。 相关优势 类型安全:枚举提供了类型安全的常量,避免了使用魔法数字或字符串。 代码可读性:枚举使代码更具可读性和可维护性。
e:Class<out Enum<*>>)=Arrays.stream(e.enumConstants).map(Enum<*>::name).toArray<String>(:...
typeF=Int=>Stringvalf:F=x=>x.toString 但是scala里,这个type的作用比kt的typealias广得多,比如上...
fun main(args: Array<String>) { when (val value = getValue()) {//when表达式条件直接是一个表达式,并用value保存了返回值, 实际上相当于把外部那一行缩进来写 is Int -> "This is Int Type, value is $value".apply(::println) is String -> "This is String Type, value is $value".apply(...
enum class JvmLang {Java, Kotlin, Scala 反编译 class 后会发现,JvmLang 继承自 Enum。 public final class JvmLang extends Enum{private JvmLang(String s,int i){super(s,i);public static final JvmLang Java;public static final JvmLang Kotlin;public static final JvmLang Scala;static{Java = new...
fun foo2(str : String?): String? { //do-something return null } 使用let、run、apply、also等内联函数,尤其是在“链式调用”写法的时候,一定要当心它们的返回值。 扩展:什么是内联函数? 所谓内联函数就是指函数在被调用的地方直接展开,编译器在调用时不用像一般函数那样,参数压栈,返回时参数出栈以及资...
Language: stable exhaustive `when` statements for enum, sealed and Boolean subjects, stable conversions from regular to suspending functional types, stable instantiation of annotation classes, improvements to type inference and builder inference Kotlin/JVM: support for repeatable annotations with runtime re...
When running a game and then closing it, console reports memory leak, caused by enum of StringName Source code: https://pastebin.com/FJSYsmTbMember piiertho commented Jan 13, 2024 Can you post screenshot you posted on discord, with little description ? Member piiertho commented Jan 13, ...
Kotlin has always been exhaustive in checkingwhenexpressionsfor sealed classes, enums, and Boolean types. It is useful when you model your domain with those algebraic data types. For example, you might have different contact preferences for users of your app modeled as a sealed class hierarchy:...
It should automatically stringify enums [#97]. Coord system limits do not work with x/y scale with transform [#474]. Provide 0-23 hour formatting [#469]. No tooltip shown when I'm trying to add an empty line [#382]. coord_fixed() should adjust dimensions of "geom" panel accordingly...