class AnonymousObjectType { // 私有函数,返回的是匿名object类型 private fun privateFoo() = object { val x: String = "x" } // 公有函数,返回的类型是 Any fun publicFoo() = object { val x: String = "x" // 无法访问到 } fun test() { val x1 = privateFoo().x // Works //val ...
CMP-6685 Native/WASM compilation failure on Composable function with value-type arg + return b/376058538 Fix stack overflow when inferring stability of indirect generic loop b/339322843 Transform @Composable property delegate references b/366040842, b/365066530 Replace deep copy in Compose plugin with ...
Contracts on a function return value Contracts on method invocation Limitations Summary Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin Classes Access levels Nested classes Data classes Inline classes Enum classes Static methods and companion objects Interfaces Inheritance Visibility modifiers Abstract classes Interface or...
// 通过 by 关键字,将 lazyValue 属性委托给 lazy {} 里面的实现 val lazyValue: String by lazy { val result = compute() println("computed!") result } // 模拟计算返回的变量 fun compute():String{ return "Hello" } fun main(args: Array<String>) { println(lazyValue) println("===") pr...
KT-53266Increment Compilation: "IllegalStateException: The following LookupSymbols are not yet converted to ProgramSymbols" when changing companion object constant field KT-53871New IC: "IllegalStateException: The following LookupSymbols are not yet converted to ProgramSymbols" when changing an inline pr...
* created by Chaitanya for */packagebeginnersbookfunmain(args :Array<String>){varfirstName ="Chaitanya"/** * String interpolation */println("String Length:${firstName.length}")/** * Or you can display like this */println("String Length: "+ firstName.length) ...
继承(inheritance) 属性(properties) 接口(interfaces) 函数型接口(functional interfaces) 可见性修饰符(visibility modifiers) 扩展(extensions) 类(classes) // 类声明 classPerson{/*...*/} // 空的类 classEmpty // 主体构造器(primary constructor) ...
To create static method in our class we use the `companion object`. Following is the Java code: ``` class A { public static int returnMe() { return 5; } } ``` The equivalent Kotlin code would look like this: ``` class A { companion object { fun a() : Int = 5 } } ```...
Kotlin is multi-paradigm, with support for object-oriented, procedural and functional programming paradigms, without forcing to use any of them. For example, contrary to Java, you can define functions as top-level, without having to declare them inside a class. ...