java版本请移步 软件架构 软件架构说明 基于Kotlin封装的android 蓝牙BLE库 安装教程 声明jitpack仓库 repositories{//jitpack仓库maven { url""} } 引入蓝牙BLE库 implementation'com.gitee.sscl:ble-library-for-kotlin:Tag' ...
Kotlin BLE Library for Android The library simplifies usage of Android Bluetooth Low Energy on Android. It is a wrapper around native API and uses Kotlin Coroutines for asynchronous operations. The usage is designed to be more natural according to the BLE specification. Warning This library is in...
Kotlin BLE Library for Android The library simplifies usage of Android Bluetooth Low Energy on Android. It is a wrapper around native API and uses Kotlin Coroutines for asynchronous operations. The usage is designed to be more natural according to the BLE specification. ...
private fun connectToDevice(deviceName: String) { RxBleClient.create(this).scanBleDevices() .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(object : Observer<ScanResult> { override fun onSubscribe(disposable: Disposable) {} override fun onNext(scanResult: ScanResu...
bleManager = getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE) as BluetoothManager //通过蓝牙管理实例获取适配器,然后通过扫描方法(scan)获取设备(device) bleAdapter = bleManager.adapter if (!bleAdapter.isEnabled) { val bluetoothTurnOn = Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE) ...
import android.os.Handler import android.os.Looper import android.os.Message class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private val BLE_SCAN_PERIOD : Long = 10000 private val REQUEST_BLUETOOTH_TURN_ON = 1 private lateinit var bleAdapter: BluetoothAdapter ...
隨著物聯網時代的來臨,越來越多的智能硬體開始盛行,例如:智慧型手機、智慧型手環/錶、心率檢測器、及各式各樣智能裝置。藍牙低功耗(Bluetooth Low Energy, 或稱Bluetooth LE、BLE),Android 4.3 以上開始引入BLE,App可以利用BLE API來藍牙掃描、連線
android ble给蓝牙设备下发指令kotlin 如何给蓝牙发送at指令,关于友善串口助手的设置发送设置接收串口1、需要设备准备:①HC05蓝牙模块一个②USB转TTL模块一个:FT232(红色VCC,黑色GND,绿色TXD,白色RXD,黄色RTS,蓝色CTS(预留3.3v)③杜邦线4根2、接线USB转TTLHC-05TXD
还有就是大佬JBD写的Android BLE 蓝牙开发入门,而且还用 RxJava 封装成一个库可以直接调用:RxBLE,是真的厉害,不妨去学习学习。 概念与常用 API UUID:每个服务和特征都会有唯一的 UUID ,由硬件决定。 服务(Service):蓝牙设备中可以定义多个服务,相当于功能的集合。