This model is recommended to be applied in 5 program development stages. Each stage has specific outcome.Ahmad LaelaLaela, A., Formulasi Model Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Miskin Melalui Zakat (Studi Kasus Empat OPZ di Kabupaten dan Kota Bogor). [Tesis] Bogor : MB IPB (2010)....
Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City - Kabupaten Tangerang, Indonesia December 15, 2024 Djatlingko 2024 Maxxbox Orange County - Kabupaten Bekasi, Indonesia December 19, 2024 HARFEST 2024 Vivo Mall Sentul - Kabupaten Bogor, Indonesia December 27, 2024 Aloha Fest 2024 Batalyon Infantri ...
Anggraini F, Lestari DAH, dan Adawiyah R. 2015. Pendapatan dan kesejahteraan peternak kambing PE anggota dan non anggota kelompok tani di Desa Sungai Langka Kecamatan Gedung Tataan Kabupaten Pesawaran. JIIA: 3 (4): 393-401... HF Anggraini,DAH Lestari,R Adawiyah 被引量: 2发表: 2015年 EFE...
Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Pakuan Bogor is one of the government companies in Bogor which focus on dirty and clean water services. PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor business unit is more focused to social value at service appropriate with the objectives and function which has been made by ...
Produksi Karkas dan Non Karkas Domba Priangan dan Ekor Gemuk pada Bobot Potong 17,5 dan 25,0 Kg Carcass and non-carcass production of Priangan and Fat Tail sheep were studied at the Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agr... R Herman - 《Media Peternakan》 ...
FAKTOR UTAMA YANG MEMPENGARUHI TINGKAT KEPUASAN HUNIAN PERUMAHAN SUBSIDI KECAMATAN PARUNG PANJANG, KABUPATEN BOGOR (STUDI KASUS : PERUMAHAN PURI HARMONI 8) House as a one basic human need is a place to live. The need for housing has never diminished and continues to grow every year. The numb...
Dampak Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian Terhadap Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Perkotaan, Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta.Increasing population growth, the ... L Aprilia,RHMP Dr.,L Aprilia - 《Universitas Gadjah Mada》 被引量: 1发表: 2014年 Eksistensi dan Ancaman Usaha Pegaraman di Gampong...
Struktur dan Strategi Nafkah Pedagang Makanan di Sektor Informal Daerah Suburban Kabupaten Bogor Livelihood strategies are done by humans to maintain the sustainability of life. Meanwhile, this research is focused on livelihood strategies of food selle... R Amalia 被引量: 3发表: 2013年 DAMPAK PENAT...
FENOMENA URBANISASI KAWASAN PINGGIRAN KOTA JAKARTA (Studi Kasus : Desa Bojonggede Kecamatan Bojonggede Kabupaten Bogor) Generally, it can be concluded that in the village of Bojonggede, Kecamatan Bojonggede Kabupaten Bogor, had happened the following process (I) Urbanization; (2) Sub-urbanization; an...
2014. Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Jasa Pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan. Jurnal Ketsa Bisnis Vol.1, No. 1. Hal:15-28 Yuliarmi, Ni Nyoman dan Riyasa, Putu. 2007. Analisis Faktor-... Widoretno - 《Jurnal Tepak Manajemen Bisnis》 被引量: ...