After the declaration of independence in 2008, Kosovo embarked on the difficult task of obtaining international recognition. This chapter explores the role of Kosovar diplomacy in this process and analyses the challenges Kosovo faced. A decade on, new re
with the goal of inte- grating the region into the European family and stabilising it in the process.2 The EU's interaction with the former Yugoslav countries has had a major impact on how the EU's foreign policy has developed, particularly the CSDP.3 The main question explored in this ch...
Last July, the Commission confirmed that Kosovo fulfilled all visa liberalisation criteria, but as you know regrettably discussions in the Council are protracted. The 2019 Kosovo report highlights this clearly and reiterates strongly the support of the European Commission to concluding this process positi...
The year 1989, when Serbia revoked Kosovo’s autonomy, was a break that changed also the course of women’s political engagements. Women had always to negotiate and strategise with different layers of power and against different forms of oppression—state and patriarchal oppression and cultural raci...
relating public administration and the various types of control of the administrative acts been long time ago reflected in the mandate of almost all of the key international inter-governmental organizations, especially the European ones including the Council of Europe, the European Union and the OSCE...