For Prelims: Kosovo-Serbia Conflict, NATO, Albanians, World War 2, Soviet Union. For Mains: Kosovo-Serbia Conflict.Why in News?Serbian protesters and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) peacekeepers recently clashed in Kosovo, leading to more than 60 injuries. It is the most serious ...
The events served as a trigger for wider confrontation between Serbia and Slovenia on both the elite and mass levels, the real source of which was their conflicting views about constitutional reform in Yugoslavia. The mobilizational wave ultimately ended in state repression in late March, following...
While the 1999 NATO airstrike officially ended the conflict and the Dayton Accord was signed to indicate a peaceful resolution of the conflict, Kosovo and its relationship with Serbia were left over as unresolved issues and one that became increasingly unstable. Like Cyprus, both the EU and the ...
The dispute between Serbia and Kosovo dates back to 1998-99, when the former Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic, ordered a bloody crackdown on Kosovo Albanian separatists. More than 10,000 people died in the conflict before NATO forced Serbia to pull out of the territory. Kosovo declared inde...
But Belgrade still regards Kosovo as a breakaway province and flare-ups between Belgrade-backed minority Kosovo Serbs and central government have stoked fears of a return to conflict. The EU plan does not commit Serbia to acknowledging an independent Kosovo but it would recognise document...
Kosovo conflict, (1998–99) conflict in which ethnic Albanians opposed ethnic Serbs and the government of Yugoslavia (the rump of the former federal state, comprising the republics of Serbia and Montenegro) in Kosovo. The conflict gained widespread international attention and was resolved with the...
The conflict in Kosovo erupted in 1998 when separatist ethnic Albanians rebelled against Serbia’s rule, and Serbia responded with a brutal crackdown. About 13,000 people, mostly ethnic Albanians, died. NATO’s military intervention in 1999 eventually forced Serbia to pull out of the territory....
This page contains links and information on the Conflict in Kosovo. A good resource for students and researchers. This site contains links to other sites on this topic.
Kosovo conflict, (1998–99) conflict in which ethnicAlbanians opposed ethnic Serbs and the government ofYugoslavia(the rump of the former federal state, comprising the republics ofSerbiaandMontenegro) inKosovo. The conflict gained widespread international attention and was resolved with the intervention...
Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo have flared anew this week after Kosovo’s police raided Serb-dominated areas in the region’s north and seized local municipality buildings. There have been violent clashes between Kosovo’s police and local Serbs that