Joy Gold of Silver Spring, Md., started keeping kosher almost 35 years ago when she was pregnant with her first child, but not for food safety reasons. The requirement for Jews to keep kosher is achok, a law from God that has no explicit explanation or logic. “We don’t necessarily ...
Fruitive, a certified organic restaurant with three locations (two in Washington DC, and one in Norfolk, VA), has a number of Juices that are kosher-certified by the Vaad of Tidewater; however, not all juices are kosher-certified and none of the restaurants are kosher. The company posts...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 4, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of R’ Ephraim Rubin, z’l, father of Yechiel (Rochelle) Rubin, Brenda (Moshe) Sherman, Rochell (Dovid) Hoffman, and Moshe Meir (Shoshana) Rubin The Levayah will be held at Levinson's at noon toda...