The Torah prohibits the consumption of meat and fowl without prior ritual slaughter, known asShechitah. What is Shechita? Excerpted from A Guide to Shechita 2009[1]by Shechita UK.' Shechita is the Jewish religious and humane method of slaughtering permitted animals and poultry for food. It is...
Kosher butchering, also referred to asshechita, is a method of slaughtering an animal and preparing its meat in accordance tokashrut, the set of Jewish dietary laws. These laws encompass the selection of the animals considered suitable for consumption, the manner in which they are slaughtered, a...
Ritual slaughter involves cutting the animal’s throat with an extremely sharp knife with no nicks (this is regarded as the most humane method of slaughter). The meat must then be kashered, or made kosher, by hanging the carcass to drain as much blood as possible. The meat must then be...
According to fresh scientific opinion, halal — the method of slaughter that kills the animal with a deep cut across the neck — produces meat that's more tender, stays fresh longer, and isless painful tothe animal than say, the jhatka method that involves severing its head in one powerful...
Animals which have not been slaughtered using the halal method Carnivorous animals and birds of prey Blood and blood by-products Animals which have been contaminated with any of the above Common Halal Certification Agencies A Halal certification agency is an organization or certifying authority that ve...
Kosher turkeys must be slaughtered in a process known as “shechita,” where a special, razor-sharp blade is used to sever the trachea and esophagus. This method is designed to minimize the turkey’s suffering and hasten the bleeding-out process. The procedure needs to be performed by a per...
The kosher method of slaughter requires swift and precise severing of the major blood vessels in the animal's neck, resulting in rapid loss of consciousness. Proponents of kosher slaughter assert that when performed correctly, the process is humane and minimizes animal suffering. They argue that ko...
Objections have sometimes been raised to this method of slaughter on the grounds of cruelty. The sight of the struggling animal aroused the concern of humane societies, and in some European countries this resulted in legislation forbidding shehitah. Scientific opinion indicates, however, that severanc...
Isserles, the sixteenth century Polish rabbi whose comments onShulchan Arukhare incorporated into every edition] (YD 39:13) concludes the discussion about lung adhesions with a description of a method of peeling and testing many types of adhesions, thereby resulting in many more animals determined ...
The Campaign Director of Shechita UK has accused a Lib Dem peer of “stooping to a new low” after she said meat killed by the Jewish method of slaughter should be labelled in shops and not be exported. Shimon Cohen was reacting to comments made by Baroness Parminter, the party’s former...