In this case, the word “식사 (siksa)” means “meal” or “eat.” However, if you couple it together with the verb “하다 (hada),” it can be used as a special honorific verb meaning “to eat.” This one comes up fairly often, so commit to memory and get used to heari...
9.Oppa (오빠)–“Older Brother” (from younger female) Although the literal translation for this word is “brother”,it has deeper meaning. 오빠 (oppa) is also acommon termfor girls and women to usewith their boyfriendsand husbands. The term 오빠 (oppa) is used both directly...
joahae(좋아해) = like (this is a conjugated form of the dictionary wordjoahada(좋아하다), meaning “to like”. If this is all you want to know about this sentence, you might also want to take a look athow to say “I love you” in Korean, which would be more proper...
Girls use this to refer to an “older brother.” But the meaning ofoppahas evolved over time, now including older guys who are just friends. It can also now mean boyfriend.Watch any Korean dramaand you’ll most probably hearoppaused this way. 형(Hyung) This is what boys call guys wh...
This texting word sounds cuter than ㅂㅂ, and is therefore commonly used by young teenagers or ladies. Example: 오빠 내일 봐, ㅃㅃ! (oppa naeil bwa, ppaippai!)“See you tomorrow honey, goodbye!” ㄱㄱ, short for 고고 (gogo) meaning “Let’s go!” Example: ...
(1촌) . So, it’s 2촌 between siblings, 4촌 between first cousins, and 6촌 between second cousins. When describing your father’s first male cousin, for instance, the termochon dangsuk(5촌당숙) is used, meaning ‘fifth degree uncle’ and this can give a clear explanation ...
In this lesson, we take a look at how to say “pretty” in Korean. The standard way of saying this is with the word: “yeppeoyo“ (in Hangul:예뻐요). To make a sentence, you can combine it with the word jeongmal (정말) meaning “really”: ...
Being influenced by American hip hop is one thing but the Korean Hip hop scene has not only copied but completely changed the meaning of the word hip hop by over exaterationg and glamorising it with flashy lyrics and music videos. It is suggested that forgeries can never understand the true...
American Culture(1992) — a collection of short, impactful magazine articles — has just blown me away since picking up a copy in Seoul a few weeks ago. I didn’t need to think twice about making her my first official writing role model, and am already calculating average sentence word ...
오빠 [oppa] which is generally used by a female addresser who is younger to the listener who is her brother, has expanded its meaning to become the term used by a female addresser to address listeners who is her boyfriend. Then 언니 [eonni] has also been expanded to become the...