Korean is agglutinative with elements of fusion; there is a strong tendency toward analytical development. Morphological word derivation is well developed. Nouns are characterized by a wealth of case forms, the grammatical category of specification, and the absence of grammatical gender. Spatial relation...
It’ll help you say the Korean word easier if you know how to read Hangeul. Here’s a list of Korean phrases for beginners to help you in speaking Korean: English한국어 (Korean) Goodbye 안녕히 계세요 (annyeonghi gyeseyo) Goodbye 안녕히 가세요 (annyeonghi ...
Another commonly used Korean vocabulary word for “wife” is 부인 (buin). You can use the two interchangeably. The word친구 (chingu) means “friend,” but only same-age friends.If someone you know is a different age, then you would want to use thecorrect title. 가족 (gajok)...
Word order The normal word order in Korean is Subject-Object-Verb. There is some freedom in the order of all constituents of the sentence, except for the verb which must always be in final position. All modifiers precede the noun modified. Vocabulary The use of Chinese characters brought a ...
For example, let's take the word "안녕하세요" (annyeonghaseyo), which means "hello" in Korean. This word is made up of five characters: ㅇ, ㅏ, ㄴ, ㄴ, and ㅕ. Each character represents a specific sound, and when pronounced together, they form the word "안녕하...
look-a-like words in other languages: for example, if the word for “tree” and word for “sea” are similar this is more likely to be a coincidence, but the words for “lake” and “sea” obviously could have evolved from whichever word referred to a body of water depending on ...
※ Click on a word for pronunciation A: 안뇽, 나 왔어. A: Annyong, Na Wasseo. A: “Hey, I’m home.” B: 하이, 잘 갔다 왔어? B: Hai, Jal gatda Wasseo? B: “Hi, did you have fun?” 2. Meeting Someone for the First Time When you meet someone for...
Hi ManNi, "입다" means "wear" as in wear clothes. :) Regards, Claire Team KoreanClass101.com ManNi 2014-12-28 23:59:47 What is the word for 'wear' in Korean? TopLearn Korean Home Lesson Library Flashcards Vocabulary Lists Live Private Classes Live Group Classes Kor...
Yes, it's very commonly used. I'd say the direct translation would be:You are alive!This expression implies the speaker hasn't seen or heard from the listener for a long while.You can also start a conversation like this.오랜만이야! 나 잘 살아있음 ㅋㅋ (Note ...
The Korean word for the exclamation “Oh damn!” is아이씨 (aissi). Although not used much outside of the spoken conversation, this is otherwise one of the most commonly used slang Korean words in the Korean language. It is used when you’re feeling frustrated. It’s kind of like ...