Make sure to pay the visa fee in advance, otherwise, your application will not be processed. Follow up on the status of your application regularly (if you apply yourself at the Government website) and be prepared to provide additional information if required. ...
On the other hand, aSouth Korea visais required for a longer stay or if you need to engage in activities like work, study, or joining a family member livingin South Korea. The type of visa you need depends on the purpose of your visit and your nationality. To apply for a South Korea...
If you plan to travel to Vietnam for either tourism or business purposes, you are also eligible for a Vietnam e-visa. The e-visa allows a single entry and a stay of up to 30 days. To apply for an e-visa, follow these steps: ...
Family Visit Visa:The family visit visa is for Greek cardholders who have family in South Korea who may be citizens or permanent residents in the country. Part of the requirements will be to provide civil status certificates like a marriage or birth certificate to prove the relationship and an...
If you require a tourist visa for South Korea, contact the nearest Korean embassy or consulate as early as possible to initiate the application process. Remember that tourist visa applications can be subject to rejection, delays, or longer processing times. Some countries, like the Philippines, ma...
We hope this is helpful for those that plan to take the TOPIK soon! If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment below or send us an email You can follow us onInstagram,TikTok,Twitter, andFacebookto stay updated on all things Korea!
You’ll want to put the following at the top of your resume when applying for a job teaching English in Korea: Nationality, age, visa status in Korea. University jobs in South Korea demand it.I know, it may seem kind of illegal and/or weird in your home country. Get over it. It’...
SkyBlue SKYPASS Visa Card SKYPASS Visa Business Card Redemption Options Award flights, upgrades, lounge passes, excess baggage, luxury bus transportation, airport coat check, hotel stays, rental cars, Korean Air merchandise, Jeju activities Average Mile Value $0.017 SKYPASS Elite Status Like any ot...
(Shanghai in the Eyes of Korean Backpackers: A Travel Boom Under the Visa-free Policy) 免签政策(Visa-free Policy) 自2024年11月8日至12月31日,韩国游客可以在中国停留最长15天的免签政策,为韩国背包客们提供了极大的便利。他们无需提前办理签证,即可轻松前往上海等中国城市旅游。这一政策的出台,无疑为韩...
Most of them originated from three northeast provinces of China, and all participants, except three, had been studying in a Korean-Chinese secondary school in China. The years of stay in South Korea ranged from 1 year and 7 months to 17 years and 7 months. Demographic information of ...