KoreanPresbyterianChurchNewYorkCity,NewYork,USA164CHURCHESILARGECHURCHESArchitectsClientCompletionDenominationFootprintSeatingcapacityDouglasGarofalo,Greg Lynn,MichaelMcInturfKoreanPresbyterianChurchof New York1999Presbyterian17,999m"Sundaychurch2500,weddingchurch600Due tothevariedoriginsof itsinhabitants,theUnitedStatesis...
Korean Presbyterian Church / Arcari + Iovino ArchitectsArcari Iovino ArchitectsArchdaily
Share this: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn 333 Tunnel Ave, San Francisco, CA 94134 Neighborhoods Visitacion Valley Served By Muni 9 San Bruno 9R San Bruno Rapid MapLibre Plan a Trip Get directions for Korean First Presbyterian Church at 333 Tunnel Ave, San Francisco, CA 94134: Let's go ...
企业名称 (EntName) : KOREAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CORPUS CHRISTI 地区 (Area) : TEXAS 企业地址 (Address) : 4326 MCARDLE RD基本信息 Corporation Number 注册号 32003469734 EntName 企业名称 KOREAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CORPUS CHRISTI Entity Type 企业类型 - Status 状态 - Jurisdiction 管辖...
Korean-Presbyterian-Church网络韩国长老会 网络释义 1. 韩国长老会 ...考虑更换时间及崇拜地方, 请为此事代祷. 187 韩国长老会(Korean Presbyterian Church) 将於十月五 日主日晚七时在本教会举 …www.docin.com|基于1 个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
企业注册号: 1204146 成立日期: 1983-06-22 企查查编码: QUSAE9XV2S 办公地址: - 基本信息 企业注册号 1204146 企业名称 EPHESUS KOREAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH,INC. 企业状态 Terminated - FTB Admin 成立日期 1983-06-22 企业类型 Nonprofit Corporation - CA - Religious ...
Korean Carmel Presbyterian Church 1.1230 Beach Rd, Glencoe, IL 60022, United States 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Michael Jordan's Steak House 4.8 分 5条点评 ¥250/人 西餐 "芝加哥公牛队传奇球星迈克乔丹...
United congregation ; Korean Presbyterian Church; celebrates 25th anniversaryKristen Kromer Staff writer
Features New York City's Korean Presbyterian Church of New York, which was designed by the architectural firms Garofalo Architects, Greg Lynn FORM, and Michael McInturf Architects. Companies' use of shared digital technologies and Web connections to complete the project; Description of the building...
In the case of the Korean Presbyterian Church in New York City, however, it seems that a rare synthesis of both types, the small conversion and the large new building, has been achieved. Moreover, here it is the product of an architectural design process that, because of its radically ...