Thankfully, there are Korean phrases for the hair salon to help you get exactly the hairstyle that you want. Study up, and get ready to show off that new hairdo! English한국어 (Korean) Please give me a haircut 커트 해주세요 (keoteu haejuseyo) Please dye my hair 염...
I was happy to know that some of my readers felt so happy for me that they teared. Some followed me since they were 19 or 20 during their JC/Uni days till now. They have seen me going through many ups and downs in life and happy to know that i am happy now. Thank you all so ...
I went at 8am before and the salon was filled with bankers and tai tais who wake up early to wash and curl their hair to prepare for work at 9am. I don’t think i will do that man. I would rather sleep more. She has been in the line for more than 30 years and her banker cl...
That happened to me today. I went to the salon around noon for a trim and change of hair color, what I ended up with was half of my hair gone, choppy layers and orange hair. I was so mad and the hairdresser was all like “I’m sorry but surprisingly you still look good” I’m...
Thankfully, there are Korean phrases for the hair salon to help you get exactly the hairstyle that you want. Study up, and get ready to show off that new hairdo! English한국어 (Korean) Please give me a haircut 커트 해주세요 (keoteu haejuseyo) Please dye my hair 염...