So i guess on average i apply about 8 products each time in the day and 9 products each time at night. If i were to include my 3 steps cleansing , that will be 11 – 12 products ( excluding sheet masks ). It really takes alot of time and discipline to do so ! If you were to...
I used to meet anime lovers all the time, back when my oldest daughter was really into it. There's actually quite a large number of them here in Florida, go figure. But most people look at me funny when I start talking about Korean TV and films, so it was nice to find somebody ...
Park-ha’s job has her working on the set where the home-shopping segments are filmed. The boys find her there to deliver the news that they’re moving back into the rooftop room tonight, and will be holding a housewarming party.
a young woman checks her lottery ticket and finds that she’s holding a winning ticket. She holds it up in excitement but a sudden gust of wind blows the ticket away. She approaches Il-hae to ask for help in finding the ticket, but he says that’s not part of his job. She explodes...