Moviedescription: Oldboy is a 2003 South Korean action-drama inspired by a Japanese Manga also titled ‘Oldboy’. The plot revolves around a man who is held captive for fifteen years. When he finally gets out, he finds himself entangled in a web of mystery and vengeance. The American d...
You may be able to find Oldboy on Netflix, depending on your location. The Host (괴물 | goemul) 2006 Director: Bong Joon Ho Cast: Song Kang Ho, Byun Hee bong , Park Hae-il The Host is a “monster movie” that is a lot of fun to watch, but it is not the movie for you...
Over 900 filmgoers have voted on the 70+ films on Best Korean Thriller Movies Of All Time. Current Top 3: Oldboy, I Saw the Devil, The Chaser
However, the sensuality in Decision is vastly different from that in The Handmaiden, and it’s difficult to tell at first glance that the movie comes from the same director as Oldboy—a testament to Park Chan-wook’s directorial prowess. In Decision to Leave, Park Hae-il plays a brooding...
Oldboy (Korean movie) Have you seen this? want to / seen some / seen all [ adapted from Old Boy (manga) ] Alternative title: Cinco días para vengarse (Spanish) Old Boy Old Boy - hämnden (Swedish) Oldboy-Velho amigo (Portuguese) Oldeuboi (Korean) Олдбой (Russian) ...
Over 700 filmgoers have voted on the 70+ films on Best Korean Crime Movies Of All Time. Current Top 3: Memories of Murder, I Saw the Devil, Oldboy
Michael O'Sullivan
Many action films also feature either superheroes or spies. Good examples of Korean action movies are Train to Busan, Oldboy, and Tsunami. “Comedy” in Korean The word for “comedy” in Korean is 코미디 (komidi). Korean comedies are the types of movies that are supposed to make th...
2. Oldboy (2003) Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery Available in: Filmin On his daughter’s birthday, Dae-Su Oh decides to get drunk without much thought and ends up bothering the police enough to get arrested. His best friend bails him out of the police station, but he completely loses tr...