Starting is the hard though, largely because I know I might give up too easily. Did you buy the hanbok or was it like dress up? Gotta find me an exhibition to go to :) 0 1 reply NahlaJW December 5, 2014 at 12:00 PM UNREGISTERED @museofmanymasks no It was displayed at one...
Anyone who played ANY of their games in 2011 knows about the hacker wars, and Nexon's attempt to sue hacker devs. I quit playing their games primarily because of the amount of hacking going on their games. Like it wasn't just the lo...
The entire point of a TV show is to engage viewers in a suspension of disbelief - this show keeps creating unforced errors that end up ticking me off. One shot of Bong Soon playing games in a PC bang followed by weeks of her doing nothing more than a single graphic doesn't work for...
koreanidolsgames.tumblr.comとstarsue.netのトラフィック分析を比較し、なぜkoreanidolsgames.tumblr.comは ゲーム - その他カテゴリで448位にランク付けされ、starsue.netが 769902位なのか、その理由を無料でご確認ください-ここをクリックしてください
it felt like he was a little kid trying to play dress up as a “bad boy.” At first I thought it was intentional, to show the viewers that Geun-soo was making bad choices rather than turning dark. But ultimately, I don’t even think that was the case and I just couldn’t reconci...
She has to dress in her gym clothes for the rest of school, and everybody makes a big show of recoiling at her stink from the fish sauce. Her teacher pulls her aside to ask why she’s always in gym clothes and whether she’s being bothered, but doesn’t press when Eun-bi lies ...
just so adorkable. I especially loved it when he was playing video games in the office, and he was gritting his teeth and jerking his head around as though he were moving with his avatar –’cause I do that too. Jung Woo also has the “parent’s death” issue that might come up ...
Since I dress for me, none of my crazy outfits ever look awkward; the key to pulling it off is self-confidence. Well, that and a sense of humor. ;-) I saw this quote once: "Never forget to laugh at yourself; you just might be in on the joke of the century." It wasn't Lord...
When I was in junior high school, I was a short-track skater representing my city of Taejeon Gwang’yeogsi. I even participated in the National Games three times, and won awards at other large meets. I had to give up because of an injury. ...