This poignant and slow-burning drama tells the story of an unlikely romance between a Chinese immigrant woman and a low-level Korean gangster, who are brought together through a marriage of convenience. As they each confront personal struggles, their separate lives become intertwi...
We know it’s really to save his life, but it feels like a betrayal. I did briefly wonder why they can’t just do the operation and resume the romance post-swap, but I can see where the very act of complying with the Seo family is symbolic. He doesn’t want to help them, he ...
A few notable entries in this genre include A Bittersweet Life, which highlights the tragic consequences of loyalty and betrayal in the criminal world. The Man from Nowhere is a high-octane thriller that combines heartfelt drama with brutal action sequences. Then there's New World, a c...
I don't even know why they try to make a FH2, when they are so many dramas under similar premises ( boy-girl force to live together and faking a marriage contract to end up falling inlove) Maybe they want to attract all of us FH lovers, but they can do the same with an original...
Business Proposalis the perfect romance drama for you if you’re into the contract-marriage andKorean drama CEOtrope. In the drama, Ahn Hyo-Seop plays Kang Tae-Moo, your typical CEO who has no time for love. He meets Shin Ha-Ri (played by singer-actress Kim Se-Jeong) on a blind da...
A couple has a storybook marriage. However, the husband is in a car accident and deep coma. His twin brother comes to his brother’s side and meets his wife for the first time. They are initially cold, but the two start a torrid affair. Then things get complicated when the husband awa...
(Jo In-sung), commander of the royal guards known as Kunryongwe. Beneath the royal marriage lies an intimate relationship between the King and Hong Lim which leaves the Queen as a wife in name only. Things get more intense when the manipulative Yuan Dynasty intends to appoint the King's ...
Mi-seon, however, is a police detective and doesn’t know about her husband’s past. When the time comes, a lot has to be discussed, but is there time for their marriage to be tested in the most mayhem-ic manner? Packed in equal measure with action and humor, ‘Mission: Cross’ is...
He disowned his daughter for her decision to go through with the marriage. The series follows Jung Jae-In's journey into mending the fence between herself and her dad. She attempts to be a family again after running out of options and being abandoned by her spouse. ...
I think I am really has this fatigue of Kdrama lately but I managed finished Marriage Contract, I am late like 4 ep of Ms Temper, but for quite a time, I have this trouble on liking Kdrama like before, It seems like no Kdrama make me excited, the last time I get really excited...