Public Enemy, a riveting crime thriller, charts the epic clash between a rogue detective (Sol Kyung-gu) and a wealthy psychopath (Lee Sung-jae), both powerfully portrayed. This electrifying tale of justice and moral ambiguity is expertly directed by Kang Woo-suk, leaving the audie...
Kim Hae-Il (Kim Nam-Gil) is a Catholic priest. He makes spiteful remarks and he can be rude to others. Koo Dae-Young (Kim Sung-Kyun) is a detective. He talks a lot and he is also timid. Park Kyung-Sun (Lee Ha-Nee) is a prosecutor. She is smart and beautiful. She is also ...
Ghost Seeing Detective Cheo Yong (DVD) (2014) Korean TV Series with English subtitle Cast: Oh Ji Ho, Oh Ji Eun, Jun Hyo Sung, Yoo Seung Mok & Yun Je Wook episode 1-10 end Synopsis: Yoon Cheo Yong is a detective who can see and hear ghosts from the day he
Detective Hae-jun investigates but finds himself intrigued by the victim’s widow and prime suspect Seo-rae. As his investigation continues, he finds themselves being drawn deeper into a dark game of secrets and lies, where he may not be ready to find the truth behind such a murder. ...
“Signal” is a detective series with an unusual plot twist: two detectives from different time periods talk to each other through a walkie-talkie and use what they know about their timelines to solve complicated cases. Specifically, Park Hae-young (Lee Je-hoon) is from the present time, wh...
Netflix’s Tasmanian Crime Series ‘The Survivors’ Reveals Cast, First Look You may also like This $6.8 Million Ultra-Modern Residence in N.J. Is Filled With Eco-Friendly Tech 8 hours ago Damon Wayans Jr. Shares Only Complaint About Childhood: Michael Jordan Always Ate All Of His Snacks...
Named one of the best TV shows of 2017 by The New York Times, Stranger stars Bae Doona (Sense8) as a police detective who teams up with a brilliant but cold prosecutor to investigate a murder. The prosecutor lost his sense of empathy after undergoing corrective surgery, which makes his ...
Movies Babygirl: How cinema keeps getting eroticism wrong A look at Daisy Edgar-Jones's TV and movies All of Richard Armitage’s films and TV shows The most anticipated romance movies of 2025 Wicked Part 2 confirms new title Watch the twisted new trailer for 28 Years Later ...
Haleigh has been on the film, TV and entertainment beat for over a decade. She joined TheWrap in 2022 after nearly 10 years at Collider, where she built out the horror vertical and worked in a variety of roles from Content Strategy to Managing Editor. Haleigh also co-created “The Witch...