Featuring thrillers, mysteries, and comedy, these famous South Korean crime movies include popular award winners and underrated indies. Some good Korean crime movies include New World, I Saw the Devil, Believer, and The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil. Vote up the best top Korean crime f...
Park Hoon-jung's complex crime epic delves into the power struggles within a vast criminal organization as an undercover cop finds himself caught between loyalty and duty, complicating his mission to topple the syndicate from within. With its intricate plot, gripping action sequences, and...
This dramatically shows how lacking comedy is these days. Compared to the past,Gag Concertno longer has any really popular skits. Its humor is repetitive, relying on little more than laughing at costumes or appearance. It no longer has any biting satire or parody. [What’s more,] if a r...
Director Kim Dong-gyu helms this quirky comedy about getting older and public perceptions. Read more Watch the trailer of What Happened to Mr Cha? Stream What Happened to Mr Cha? via: Netflix | Amazon | All Release dates The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil DIRECTOR: Won-Tae Lee CAST: ...
and bits of knowledge with a decent amount of brutality; he’s something else altogether, a screw-up. It’s an astonishing, barometrical, solid movie with the chief and Lee Sun-Kyun splendidly depicting Jo Pil-ho as a wretched and frantic cop manhandling his position, carrying out wrongdoin...
The movie’s far more lighthearted than many of the others on this list; it’s officially an action-comedy. Therefore, if you want laughs along with your fights, Veteran‘s worth a watch. Stream Veteran on Netflix | Stream Veteran on Amazon 5. The Good, the Bad, the Weird Korean ...
This buddy cop action comedy sees two students who are studying at the Korean police academy put their wits to the test after they witness a kidnapping. Netflix 10. The Man from Nowhere This 2010 film, also known asAjeossi, stars Won Bin and is written and directed by Lee Jeong-beom. ...
I adored Jason Kim’s delightful indieKoala, a film so small it never even screened at a festival outside Korea, but even I was dubious about his commercial debut, a youth cop comedy at a big studio that has had trouble churning out hits in recent years. All my fears proved unfounded ...
Melo Movie is a Korean Comedy, Romance, Drama (2024). Melo Movie cast:... Read Details Desperate Mrs. Seonju (2024) Desperate Mrs. Seonju is a Korean Drama (2024). Desperate Mrs. Seonju cast:... Read Details The Whirlwind (2024) ...
As a cop show, it's reminds me of Grandpas Investigation Team. Already know who the bad guy is, but it's still interesting to see how the characters figure out how to catch him. Superdaddy Yeul--Watching because I like the acting. Plot, not so much. All the sexual tension and ...