"We are outraged by this senseless and deplorable violence and look forward to a swift resolution of this unfortunate incident," said a report by the Hill, quoting Hyun-seung Choi, consul and press attache for the South Korean Consulate General in New York. So far, no arrests have been mad...
Hyun-seung Choi, consul and press attache for the South Korean Consulate General in New York City, confirmed the assault of a diplomat from South Korea's permanent mission to the United Nations but did not name the victim. "...
In a statement released on social media Saturday, the consulate's spokesperson said the map "created a very bad influence and harmed the dignity and emotion of the Chinese people" and urged NBC to "to recognize the serious nature of this problem." "The Consulate General in New York would l...
“It has been almost unprecedented for North Korea to be sued in a commercial dispute, though there were occasions that the North was asked to stand in U.S. courts for terrorist activities,” an official of the South Korean Consulate General in New York told Yonhap News. The official said...
The Consulate General of South Korea in New York City requires all applicants to make a personal appearance to apply for a visa. 1.2Select Visa Service Obtain Specific Requirements For Korea (South) For You Other Geographically Related Countries ...
Japan recalled its top two diplomats in South Korea earlier this year to protest against the erection last December of a girl statue outside the Japanese consulate in Busan, the southeastern port city of South Korea. The girl statues, carried by the five buses, are identical with other bronze...
You should receive several copies of your contract by mail once you have accepted a position. Keep one in a safe place, for your own records, and sign another for submission either to the consulate when applying for your visa, or to your new employer in Korea, who will use it to apply...
From there, they traveled to the consulate in Guangzhou, which ran operations in Macau, Zhuhai, and Hong Kong. This kind of activity has apparently not changed. As Stanford researcher, Sheena Chestnut, noted in a recent thesis, in the years since 1996, “at least six North Korean diplomats...
with a 6-minute walk to the Liu Laogen Grand Stage. If you want to experience the morning and night markets in Northeast China, the hotel is located near the small river along the morning market, which is one of the must visit morning markets in Shenyang. There are also the TV Tower ...
New York City ABC station WABC-TV reported that the incident is not currently being investigated as a hate crime. MORE: Biden signs anti-Asian hate crime bill marking 'significant break' in partisanship Hyun-seung Choi, consul and press attache for the South Korean Co...