Reports on the cause of the crash landing of the Airbus A300-600R on a rain-slick runway at the Korea's Cheju Island Airport on August 10, 1994. Unofficial transcript of cockpit voice recorder of Korean Air Flight 2033 showing disagreement between copilot and captain; Nonindication of any ...
1994年8月10日,2033号航班(空中客车A300)从汉城飞往济州。在降落途中距离跑道1773米处着陆。飞机在着陆后依然以104节的速度冲出跑道,撞上机场旁边的护墙后起火爆炸。无人伤亡。 1994年9月22日,916F次航班(波音747-400)从瑞士苏黎世飞往韩国釜山。该客机8天前在意大利厄尔巴市上空经历了一场暴风雨。机头雷达罩...
The MADEX show is taking place four months after South Korea’s arms procurement agency announced the government tentatively earmarked about $2 billion to build a homemade 30,000-ton aircraft carrier to enter service by 2033. The Defense Ministry is conducting a feasibility study of the p...
地铁2033,地铁:最后的曙光,黑道圣徒2,猎天使魔女,星际编年史:Delta像限,杀手5:赦免,水下之旅,Merger 3D,机械制造:重生,心灵杀手:美国噩梦,双子星座2,地下城2,红色管弦乐队2,命运之手,奇异领域,晶体管,胜利之日:起源,行尸走肉,热血无赖:终极版,命运石之门,竖持战斗,宅男的幻想,猎人:野性的呼唤,暗黑地牢,...