Selected ground combat units of the 2nd and 7th Infantry divisions during 1968-69 are OK'd for presumptive compensation. by Ted SypkoSypko, TedSypko, T. (2004, January). Korea DMZ vets and agent orange. VFW Magazine
During a party meeting, PPP leader Han Dong-hun stressed the need to suspend Yoon’s presidential duties and power swiftly, saying he poses a “significant risk of extreme actions, like reattempting to impose martial law, which could potentially put the Republic of Korea and its citizens in ...
(2) Restricted colorants in hair dye products and their use limits are newly added: Raw materials Use Limit Remarks Basic Orange 31 (염기성등색31호) In oxidative hair dye: 0.5% Other usage standards shall refer toTypes, Standards, and Test Methods o...
Guide Kim Sung Dok awaited in the airport reception room, in tinted Chinese glasses and polyester slacks. He was accompanied by a second guide, or minder, Sok Yong He, a woman who daily alternated amongst utterly-outdated Jackie Kennedy-style getups, vivid orange, pink or canary-yellow go-g...
'A PROPERLY DEVELOPED CLAIM'VFW HELPED A VETERAN exposed to Agent Orange while stationed in the...Dyhouse, Tim
Service: Korea DMZ vets get Agent Orange examsDyhouse, Tim
In 1968-69, during the "Second Korean War," 59,000 gallons of three toxic chemicals defoliated nearly 21,000 acres of the DMZ. For vets of the U.S. 2nd and 7th Infantry divisions, the recent U.S. government acknowledgment is a major breakthrough.Davis, John L...
Connecticut Korea Veteran Waging Long Fight for Agent Orange BenefitsConn. Health I-Team WriterA Connecticut veteran who has spent years trying to gain AgentOrange...McCarthy, Peggy
S.Korea Launches Task Force Team to Track Down Agent Orange VictimsSouth Korea has formed a task force to track down victims of U.S.-supplied toxic defoliants sprayed along the border with North Korea three decades ago, officials said Monday.Korea Times (Seoul, Korea)...
Blumenthal Asks VA to Extend Agent Orange Benefits to Veterans Who Served in KoreaIn response to requests from a Connecticut veteran and theVeterans of Foreign Wars, U.S. Sen...McCarthy, Peggy