The meaning of GEELDIKKOP is a serious photodynamic disease of southern African sheep due to sensitization to light following the ingestion of some plants and characterized by intense jaundice and a severe facial edema.
The meaning of DOODSKOP is a southern African shallow-water edible chimaera (Callorhynchus capensis) having the snout prolonged into a fleshy lobe which is used in rooting up mollusks and crabs from sandy bottoms.
The trumps are called trumfy, and the non-trump suits are obce (meaning foreign or strange). Among the Queens and Jacks, the usual order ranking clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds is used. So in summary, there are three very unequal suits, ranking from high to low as follows:Trumps: A-...
“ or „Don‘t waste. An English equivalent is the saying „waste not, want not.“ A more elaborate meaning conveys a sense of value and worthiness and may be translated as „do not destroy (or lay waste to) that which is worthy....