KootenayBC Real Estate provides ethical and heart-based real estate services in The Kootenays. Let us help you find a home in the community you belong.
West Kootenay Real Estate Listings Featured For Sale Nelson BC: 411 Innes Street West 1903 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, FL 33020, USA Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Area .06 For Sale, New Listing $389,000 Featured For Sale Kaslo BC: 439 View Street 1903 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, FL 33020...
View the best commercial properties, condos, apartments and houses for sale in the Kootenays. Kootenay Homes has real estate offices in Trail, Rossland, Fruitvale & Christina Lake BC to help you sell your property or buy your dream home. Speak with a Cen
Lee Johnson is a top selling professional realtor specializing in helping you find the ideal Creston Valley Kootenay Lake property that best suites your needs. If you are considering buying, selling or investing in any type of real estate, you can rely on Lee Johnson to help you make the rig...
Search real estate listings in East Kootenays, Jaffray, Tie Lake, Rosen Lake, Baynes Lake, Fernie, Cranbrook and Elko BC