Horror Harp is a sampled 100-year-old lap harp that I inherited from my wife‘s grandmother. When I learned about its heritage–that it had been strung with guitar strings during the 1920’s Great Depression era–I had to record it! With cracked and scratched antique wood, this atonal in...
Horror Harp is a sampled 100-year-old lap harp that I inherited from my wife‘s grandmother. When I learned about its heritage–that it had been strung with guitar strings during the 1920’s Great Depression era–I had to record it! With cracked and scratched antique wood, this atonal in...
Note 1: Native Instruments Kontakt 3+ full retail versions required. Note 2: Free Kontakt Player will only work for 30 minutes with this product. Full version required to remove this restriction. (Or the cracked player by AiR or DYNAMiCS) Microhammer Wind Chimes KONTAKT | 399M...