Yu Kongjian: Because other firms call their companies with foreign names, so we decide to call ourselves "Turen" (earthy person). 俞孔坚:因为别人都打着洋牌子,所以我们就只有叫“土人”了(笑)。 www.landscape.cn 2. Yu Kongjian received a doctor degree in Design from Harvard University, the ...
kongjian(kongjian在线教程) QQkongjian QQ空间免费装扮在线视频教程:http://video../v?ct=301989888&rn=20&pn=0&db=0&s=0&fbl=1024&word=QQ%BF%D5%BC%E4%C3%E2%B7%D1%D7%B0%B0%E7 QQ空间代码使用方法:1、进入自己空间,将你要的代码... 赛科ASSA ABLOY IKON德国铁路机车专用锁具 ASSA ABLOY IKON...
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这是新工商名录系列网站香港子站,可免费浏览向量空間(香港)有限公司/Xiangliangkongjian (HK) Limited的公司信息,包含公司中英文名称、注册日期、公司类型、曾用名等信息,订阅公司报告,还可获取更多详细信息。
Lecturer:Kongjian Yu Yu Kongjian is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a Distinguished Professor under the Ministry of Education’s Changjiang Scholars Program, and the Dean of the College of Architecture and Landscape at Peking University. He is also the Chief Designer at...