kong 拼音是kong的汉字
拼音是kong的汉字汉字拼音基本解释 孔 kǒng 小洞,窟窿:孔穴。孔眼。孔洞。孔方兄(指钱,因旧时的铜钱有方形的孔,恢谐含鄙意)。◎很:孔急。孔武有力。◎ 量词,用于窑洞:一孔土窑。◎姓。 空 kòng,kǒng,kōng 不包含什么,没有内容:空洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。空泛。空话。空旷。空乏。
kong 拼音是kong的汉字
(共5小题,计10分)Kong Zi, Confucius in English, is a great philosopher(哲学家). He lived and worked in Chin a from 551 BC to479 BC. He gave Chin a and the world deep thoughts and i-deas about life and how to live it well. They are known far and wide. Also, his works are ...
拼音为kong的汉字 汉字拼音基本解释笔顺组词 倥 kōng,kǒng 倥〈形〉(形声。从人,空声。本义:倥侗(kōngtóng):... 倥的笔顺 倥的组词 崆 kōng 崆kōng〔崆峒〕a。山名,在中国甘肃省;b。岛名,在中国山... 崆的笔顺 崆的组词 控 kòng 〈动〉(形声。从手,空声。本义:开弓)同本义控,引也。——《...
Confucious and Chinese Philosophy Born in 551 BC,, Confucius, kong g zi, has made the greatest raised in a poor family, he visited famous 2. Scholay(scholar) and learned a lot. He developed his thoughts into a system of philosophy 3. em(know) as Confucianism Confucianism emphasized. self...
Kong ZiKongZiis a famous thinker and educator in Chinese history. It is the founder of the Confucian school, and is honored as the ancient sage. His speech and life activities are recorded in the Analects ofconfucius. The Analects of Confucius is a classical work of Chinese ancient culture,...
Chow Yun-Fat in Kong Zi (2010)
孔子谓季氏:八俏舞于庭,是可忍也,孰不可忍也?把这句有话每个字都拼上拼音.如:kong zi . 并且把读时停顿的地方,划上“/”.
kong 拼音是kong的汉字