但是,鉴于「キングコングの逆袭」改编自1966年风靡一时的动画The King Kong Show。那么有没有那么一种可能,新的怪兽,有可能也源自金刚相关的动画作品呢。2000的 Kong: The Animated Series给出了答案。该动画大部分的怪兽,均为一种基因融合兽,官方称之为Cyber-Link Mutant,包括本作的金刚,也是1933那只金刚的...
Kong: The Animated Series: With Kirby Morrow, Scott McNeil, Saffron Henderson, Daphne Goldrick. After scientist Lorna clones Kong, her grandson Jason brings a teacher who steals stones controlling Kong Island. Jason, friend Tan, shaman Lua, and Kong retr
Skull Island’s emergence from the shroud of legend into reality shook it to its core. Not since the discovery of the New World had mankind been offered such an opportunity to explore a land trapped in time. Kong’s chest-beating roar at the summit of the Empire State Building...