The OpenID Connect (1.0) plugin (also known as OIDC) allows for integration with a third party identity provider (IdP) in a standardized way. This plugin can be used to implement Kong as a (proxying) OAuth 2.0 resource server (RS) and/or as an OpenID Connect relying party (RP) between...
Add an OpenID Connect plugin with the configuration below to your service using an HTTP client or Kong Manager. Make sure to use the same redirect URI as configured earlier: curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/{SERVICE_NAME}/plugins \ --data name="openid-connect" \ --data ...
Enabling the pluginopenid-connectshould work. Steps To Reproduce Deploy kong using this helm chart: Change this in the values.yaml to enable the plugin: env: plugins: bundled,openid-connect check the logs from the proxy container to see if...
-- 引入 kong-oidc 插件模块local oidc = require("kong.plugins.oidc")-- 创建一个新的 kong-oidc 实例,并配置必要的参数local plugin = oidc:new({ discovery_url = "", -- OpenID Provider 的配置 URL client_id = "your_client_id", -- 应用...
What is Kong OIDC plugin Continuous Integration: kong-oidcis a plugin forKongimplementing theOpenID ConnectRelying Party (RP) functionality. It authenticates users against an OpenID Connect Provider usingOpenID Connect Discoveryand the Basic Client Profile (i.e. the Authorization Code flow). ...
What is Kong OIDC plugin Continuous Integration: kong-oidcis a plugin forKongimplementing theOpenID ConnectRelying Party (RP) functionality. It authenticates users against an OpenID Connect Provider usingOpenID Connect Discoveryand the Basic Client Profile (i.e. the Authorization Code flow). ...
API Authorization using Open Policy Agent and Kong | Curity Setting up OpenID Connect Authentication in the Kong Developer Portal | Curity Kong OpenID Connect Plugin OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection – rfc7662 Tags:API Security | API Authentication | API Authorization...
Spoiler alert: You totallycanintegrate Kong with Okta using itsOpenID Connectplugin. Still stuck wondering what an API gateway even is? Here’s a metaphor that works for me: You know that sci-fi movie trope in which you have a centralized hub that “jumps” you to other places in the ga...
When using OpenID Connect to secure Kong Manager admins are now created on first login and roles assigned based on their group membership. In this release we continued to work on performance with improvements to the plugin iterator, simplifying Kong core context reads/writes, reducing latency on...
kong gateway 插件使用 1.限流 限流被用来控制网络请求的流量,能够被用来阻止DoS 攻击,限制网络抖动,和其他形式的过载,没有限流,会导致客户端无限制访问,导致服务不可用。 Kong Gateway imposes rate limits on clients through the use of the Rate Limiting plugin. When rate limiting is... 共...