Attach an OAuth2 plugin instance to the service: Note: Setting global_credentials=true is necessary to allow tokens created by other plugin instances. curl -x POST http://localhost:8001/services/my-websocket-service/plugins \ --data "name=oauth2" \ --data "config.scopes=email" \ --data ...
Upstream OAuth Configure Kong Gateway to obtain an OAuth2 token to consume an upstream API Support by: Vault Authentication Add Vault authentication to your services Support by: Okta Integrate Okta's API Access Management (OAuth as a Service) with Kong API Gateway Support by: Okta Security ...
In my example, I used the Kong Gateway OAuth2 plugin to extend my API server to act also as the authorization server. Kong added the /oauth2/* endpoints to my service's routes, and my database holds onto tokens and authorization codes. ...
"oauth2": true, "hmac-auth": true, "acl": true, "datadog": true, "tcp-log": true, "ip-restriction": true, "request-transformer": true, "file-log": true, "bot-detection": true, "loggly": true, "request-size-limiting": true, "syslog": true, "udp-log": true, "response-rat...
note2:如果使用AND逻辑,则最后一个执行的验证插件将是把验证信息传递给上游服务的那个。当使用OR逻辑时,传递给上游服务验证信息的那个插件,将会是第一个成功验证consumer的那个插件,或者是最后一个配置了匿名访问权限的那个插件。 note3:当以AND方式使用OAuth2插件时,用于请求token等的OAuth2端点也需要其他配置的auth插...
apigateway-kong(六)认证 简介:到上游服务(API或微服务)的流量通常由各种Kong认证插件的应用程序和配置来控制。由于Kong的服务实体(Service Entity)代表自己的上游服务的1对1映射,最简单的方案是在选择的服务上配置认证插件。 到上游服务(API或微服务)的流量通常由各种Kong认证插件的应用程序和配置来控制。由于Kong的...
plugin:可以对kong和API进行扩展 插件 目前已经提供的插件有: 身份认证插件:Kong提供了Basic Authentication、Key authentication、OAuth2.0 authentication、HMAC authentication、JWT、LDAP authentication认证实现。 安全控制插件:ACL(访问控制)、CORS(跨域资源共享)、动态SSL、IP限制、爬虫检测实现。
How to Use the Kong Gateway JWT Plugin for Service Authentication 4 Steps to Authorizing Services With the Kong Gateway OAuth2 Plugin Getting Started With Kuma Service Mesh Have questions or want to stay in touch with the Kong community? Join us wherever you hang out: ⭐ Star us on GitHub...
Plugin HubPlugins provide advanced functionality that extends the use of the Gateway. Many of the Kong Inc. and community-developed plugins like AWS Lambda, Correlation ID, and Response Transformer are showcased at the Plugin Hub.Contribute to the Plugin Hub and ensure your next innovative idea ...