Kong Logo, SVG Kong is known for its API gateway and microservices solutions. The logo consists of abstract King Kong composed of blue-green gradient geometric shapes, and the word “Kong” written in a bold typeface. The characters are evenly spaced and have a modern design. The letters are...
Kong的原意为金刚,用来形容强健、力量、坚固和稳定,可以想想电影中的金刚,也不难看出Kong的Logo是一只金刚了。 Kong是一款基于Nginx Lua模块写的高可用,易扩展的开源APIGateway项目。由于Kong是基于Nginx的,所以可以水平扩展多个Kong服务器,通过前置的负载均衡配置把请求均匀地分发到各个Server,来应对大批量的网络请求。
Kong is the most widely adopted API gateway and service mesh, powering the world’s APIs for modern architectures. Accelerate development and productivity today!
也考察了 Spring-cloud Gateway,Spring 大法好,特别是阿里的 Nacos 的支持和跟进,使得 Spring 占据了80%的江山(不知道我是否高估了),而且搭建 Spring Gateway 的步骤非常简单,一个小白,只要花2天时间,就能快速的搭建出一个 Spring-cloud Gateway,Java的生态真的是让人垂涎欲滴,没办法,惯性太大了。同时,由于 Spri...
Kong的原意为金刚,用来形容强健、力量、坚固和稳定,可以想想电影中的金刚,也不难看出Kong的Logo是一只金刚了。 Kong是一款基于Nginx Lua模块写的高可用,易扩展的开源API Gateway项目。由于Kong是基于Nginx的,所以可以水平扩展多个Kong服务器,通过前置的负载均衡配置把请求均匀地分发到各个Server,来应对大批量的网络请求。
MEHK offer services to give every meeting, convention, exhibition and incentive trip in Hong Kong (HK) a superior experience.
同时,由于 Spring-cloud Gateway 的 .NetCore 客户端不提供(废话来的,人家是玩 Java 的),所以从成本上考虑,也得放弃。 kong 终于还是选择了 Kong,Kong 的平台无关性和设计良好的 REST API ,让我们有机会快速的接入到这款高性能的网关中,我个人开发 Kong.Net 这款客户端,用时 3 天,REST API 共有 81 个...
MEHK offer services to give every meeting, convention, exhibition and incentive trip in Hong Kong (HK) a superior experience.
Nifty Gateway Apple AirPlay Yes Daily+ Yes Auto Game Mode (ALLM) Yes Game Motion Plus Yes Super Ultra Wide Game View Yes Mini Map Zoom Yes Light-sync Yes HGiG Yes Digital Broadcasting DTMB Analog Tuner Yes Data Broadcasting MHEG 5
GSK Hong Kong Suites 1004-10, 10/F, Tower 6, The Gateway, 9 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel:+852 3189 8989Fax: +852 3189 8931 Macau office GSK MacauLevel 20, AIA TowerNos 251A-301 Avenida Commercial de MacauMacau Tel:+853 28715569Fax: +853 2871 5987 Expand all ...