KONG has produced the most innovative and safe dog and cat toys using the finest materials since 1976. Discover the AirDog Squeaker Stick perfect for fetch & retrieve play types!
我量了一下填充口径,差不多8厘米,围度大概25厘米,中大型犬基本都能卡在嘴围里,不会出现卡头的情况,但为了保险起见,我还是会全程看护。 为了凑单免运费,我还顺便买了两个新款AirDog Squeaker Paw,到手后感觉像爪子形的网球。买了这么多Kong玩具,用了这么久,这次来点夸张版的,虽然离谱但真的很有趣!当作周边纪...
KONG has produced the most innovative and safe dog and cat toys using the finest materials since 1976. Discover the SqueakAir Ultra Balls 2-pk perfect for fetch & retrieve play types!