ANALISIS KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI MASYARAKAT SELAMA DAN PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 (STUDI PADA KELUARGA PENERIMA PKH DI DESA PISANG KECAMATAN PATIANROWO)doi:10.24156/jikk.2023.16.2.159The Covid-19 pandemic has had an irregular effect on people's lives for years, especially f...
Situasi domestik yang rapuh berarti DHL Express mengirim sebagian besar internasional ke dan dari Suriah, dengan paket domestik hanya merupakan persentase kecil dari bisnis. "Basis pelanggan kami telah berubah secara drastis. Pelanggan bisnis kami sebagian besar telah menghilang. Ekonomi Suriah telah...
ANALISIS BIOEKONOMI DAN OPTIMASI PENGELOLAAN SUMBER DAYA IKAN LAYANG DI PERAIRAN KABUPATEN MUNA SULAWESI TENGGARA (Bioeconomic Analysis and Resource Management Optimization of Mackerel Scad in Muna District, South East Sulawesi) The resource utilization of mackerel scad (Decapterus spp.) has been incre...
ANALISIS DAMPAK PENDAFTARAN TANAH SISTEMATIK TERHADAP KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DI KOTA DEPOKThis research purposes are (1) to analyze communities perception about land certificate, (2) to analyze determinant factors of communities perception toward systematic land registration, (3) to analyze ...
DAMPAK PARIWISATA TERHADAP KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI DI TAMAN MINI INDONESIA INDAH PADA ERA NEW NORMALdoi:10.46799/jst.v2i11.445According to Law no. 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, Tourism is a variety of tourist activities and is supported by various facilities and services provided ...
KONDISI DAN PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN KEPENDUDUKAN, SOSIAL, SERTA EKONOMI PADA ERA OTONOMI DAERAHDevelopment of population, social, and economic have been implemented in Indonesia, and also Bali Province. However, the achievement is varies among provinces, and among regencies in...
Some findings of this study are (1) the shifting of young generation orientation from agricultural sector to non-agricultural sector in Denpasar city, Badung and Gianyar regencies; (2) the level of education of farmers are relatively low, even in several regencies like Buleleng, Bangli, Klung...
Muflikhati, I., Hartoyo, Sumarwan, U., Fahrudin, A., & Puspitawati, H. (2010). Kondisi Sosial ekonomi dan tingkat kesejahteraan keluarga: kasus di wilayah pesisir Jawa Barat. Jur. Ilm. Kel. & Kons., 3(1), 1-10.Muflikhati, I., Hartoyo, Sumarwan, U., Fachrudin, A., & ...
Pengaruh Status Sosial dan Kondisi Ekonomi Keluarga terhadap Motivasi Bekerja bagi Remaja Awal (Usia 12-16 Tahun) di Kabupaten PonorogoIn Ponorogo which is one of the districts in East Java, still have a high dropout rate. The dropout rate or children who do not continue their education to...
Analisis Kondisi Lingkungan, Sosial dan Ekonomi Kawasan Restorasi Ekosistem PT. The Best One Unitimber Semenanjung Kampardoi:10.31258/terubuk.51.1.1814-1820Kampar Peninsula ecosystem restoration activity by PT. The Best One Unitimber has the potential to create an innovat...