Undoubtedly, an art of efficient communication with the band, properly understood and introduced into life proves a deep music and intellectual maturity of choir conductors. The conductor, in his/her work transmits information in different ways: through verbal and non-verbal communication. The level...
Conclusions stated in this material were used as a starting point for the research of role of nonverbal communication in work of oral translator, nevertheless they have universal nature and can be as well applied in other researches of body language.Katarzyna Liber...
Karkonoskiej Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej w Jeleniej Go- rze, Jelenia Gora 2011.Ferenz K., Komunikacja niewerbalna jako wyraz więzi w rodzinie, „Wychowanie w Rodzinie", t. III: Wspołczesna rodzina w sytuacji zmiany, E. Jurczyk-Romanow- ska, L. Albański (red.), Wyd. Kar...
taking into account the fact that such effectiveness is influenced by the awareness of one's own nonverbal messages and of the foundations of communication theory. An act of communication may involve the sins of neglect, isolation and aggression.doi:10.21852/SEM.2015.4.04Niewiadomski Krzysztof...