When you need a mechanical haul truck to help improve productivity and efficiency at your mine operations, the HD1500-8E0 is the solution. This vehicle features a high performance Komatsu SDA16V159E-3 engine, large capacity retarder, tight turning radius and Komatsu Traction Control System (KTCS...
In addition to speed on grade, the HD1500-8E0 is equipped with hydraulic, wet multiple-disc brakes on all four corners. The continuously cooled, large-capacity brakes also act as a highly responsive retarder, providing operators with confidence at higher speeds when traveling downhill. Down...
品牌/型号:KOMATSU小松HD1500-7 A&S公司可为客户提供低成本高效运的KOMATSU小松HD1500-7 矿用自卸重型卡车车体,车体采用高硬耐磨钢板制作而成,具有以下特点:较长的磨损寿命较少的断裂情形较少的维修要求容易安装易损耐磨块需要之处额外供磨损金属 原装进口耐磨附件 优质的合金钢种高强度耐磨优越的焊接性能 流线型设计...
Komatsu’s HD1500-8E0 mechanical haul truck built for performance on grade Does your operation need an efficient 150 U.S. (short) ton haulage solution that can deliver performance on grade while providing energy-saving technologies to help achieve lower fuel consumption? Komatsu’s rigid frame ...
小松HD1500-7非公路自卸车是一款强大的工程车辆,具有很多优点和一些缺点。优点:1. 大载荷能力:小松HD1500-7非公路自卸车的最大载重量可达到150吨,具有很强的承载能力,适用于重型工程和矿山作业。2. 高性能发动机:该自卸车搭载了大功率的柴油发动机,可提供强大的动力输出和良好的加速性能,运输效率高。3. 卓越的...
品牌小松HD1500 山东重康柴油机配件有限公司 查看详情 ¥2.74万/台 浙江宁波 宁 波上门回收干式变压器 附近小松柴油发电机收购一忱公司 在线交易 72小时发货 少货必赔 破损包赔 上海一忱再生资源回收有限公司 查看详情 ¥1万 ~ 3万 广东省深圳市 工厂备用柴油发电机组-价格表 工厂备用柴油发电机组-精选厂...
JV07HK-3 LC605 PW1003A SD25-3 拖拉机 464 KE-3D 其他农用机械 ZHM1500 ZHM150A ZHM1510 自卸车 CD110R-1B CD20R-2 HD205-3 HD25 HD325-5 HD785-7 HM400-5 MST700-3EO 卡车 D31PX-22 PC20MR-2 其他 6PB41A FD15T-16 KSS10SDF-2 LC1285-1E S6D108E-2 简单...
KATO HD250 HD400 HD450 HD700 HD770 HD820 HD1250 KOBELCO SK40 SK60 SK100 SK120 SK200 SK220 SK04-2 SK07 SK07N2 SK09 SK12 SK14 SK300 SK310 SK400 JCB JS70 JS75 JS110 JS130 JS160 JS180 JS200 JS220 JS240 JS260 JS300 JS330 SUMITOMO SH70 SH100 SH120 SH16...
Dump Truck Gear Pump for Hm300 HD465 HD785 705-52-31180 708-2K-00113 708-2L-31160 708-2L-00610 708-7L-01112 US$970.00-1,000.00 / Piece 20t 21t 24t 25t Doosan Excavator Travel Parts ( 401-00454c US$980.00-1,000.00 / P...
DUMP: HD325 HD405 HD460 Engine : 6D95 6D12 6D108 6D110 6D114 6D125 6D140 6D155 6D170 705-95-07121 705-52-42220 705-56-44090 20T-60-00400 705-56-24080 6204-61-1100 704-24-24410 6206-61-1103 6240-51-1201 4...