Kolkata Municipal Corporation rolls out new property tax waiver policy Those who have not paid property tax for less than two years can have 50% of the interest and 99% of the penalty waived. Harini BalasubramanianAug 2024 Home decor from sunday haat in Kolkata Find great things to dec...
The Kolkata Municipal Corporation consists of 141 civic administrative units called wards, with each ward having an office responsible for public health supervised by a medical officer. The study site comprises three contiguous wards (29, 30, and 33) with about 100,000 residents. These residents ...
Getting out and about around Kolkata Map Is available at http://tinyurl.com/34tdry or http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=104429962170361876967.000440e93f51 332cdfba4&ll=22.557745,88.355699&spn=0.021164,0.047035&z=15&om=1 Kolkata Kolkata, formerly Calcutta, is the ...
The landscape compositions and configurations were calculated for each ward for use as influencing factors of LST. The software, Fragstats 4.0, was used to calculate the landscape configurations from the LULC map. A number of studies have also shown that different atmospheric pollutant parameters have...
A vector map of the KMC area was used for clipping and subsetting the imagery. The classification was performed on the clipped part of each imagery. The supervised classification was employed to detect the changes in Land Use-Land Cover (LULC) within the Kolkata Municipal Corporation area (KMC...