KOKUSAI ELECTRICの公式ウェブサイトです。半導体製造装置などの開発、製造、販売。会社情報、CSR情報、採用情報などを掲載しています。
This is KOKUSAI ELECTRIC's official website. It provides information on the development, manufacturing, and sales of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and about the company, CSR, recruitment, etc.
KOKUSAI ELECTRIC CORPORATION Head Office Location・Contact #1 Head Office 5th floor, oak Kanda Kajicho (Bldg.), 3-4 Kanda Kaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 101-0045, JapanTEL. +81 (0)3-5297-8530 Location #2 Toyama Technology & Manufacturing Center 2-1, Yasuuchi, Yatsuo-machi, Toyam...
This is KOKUSAI ELECTRIC's official website. It provides information on the development, manufacturing, and sales of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and about the company, CSR, recruitment, etc.
AdvancedAce®-Ⅱ is a KOKUSAI ELECTRIC’s latest platform for batch thermal processing of 300mm wafers.AdvancedAce®-Ⅱ offers high throughput by utilizing advanced technologies in such areas as temperature control, wafer handling automation, reactor purging. Learn more Large Batch Deposition Equip...
KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Sustainability Management As a company on the cutting-edge of evolving semiconductors, we promote sustainability management. This means we strive to achieve both the realization of a sustainable society and the sustainable development of the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group through business activities...
KOKUSAI ELECTRIC CORPORATION 5th floor, oak Kanda Kajicho (Bldg.), 3-4 Kanda Kaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0045, Japan TEL. +81 (0)3-5297-8530 Purpose of Use The Group shall collect personal information for the following purposes and only use it within that scope. The Group shall ...
The KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group strives to achieve a sustainable society through both business activities and ESG. Click below to learn more about our sustainable management practices as a cutting-edge company in evolving semiconductors. Learn more Products&Services We operate businesses centered on the ...
KOKUSAI ELECTRIC’s Strengths Overview of Company Corporate Philosophy Management Policy and Management Strategy Businesses Group companies Semiconductor Industry History Company Introduction MOVIE Sustainability Sustainability Business Resolution of environmental issues Resolution of social issues Strengthening governance...
QIA takes minority stake in Kokusai Electric Corporation Nov 19, 2024 Share The semiconductor device market is experiencing rapid expansion as the demand shifts from traditional consumer devices to high-growth industries The investment aligns with QIA’s efforts to partner with diverse businesses ...