Koki Holdings produces and sells a full line of HiKOKI power tools including lithium-ion battery-operated tools worldwide. It also develops a variety of outdoor power equipment and himac life-science instruments.
Fujian Hikoki Co., Ltd. Target intensity Actual intensity FY2020 Processing of Waste and Valuables (in Japan) Promotion of Battery Recycling As a member of the Japan Portable Rechargeable Battery Recycling Center (JBRC), the Koki Holdings Group has set up collection bases at Koki power tool ce...
商标名称 KOKI HOLDINGS 国际分类 第08类-手工器械 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 38582043 申请日期 2019-05-31 申请人名称(中文) 工机控股株式会社;KOKIHOLDINGSCO.,LTD. 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 日本国东京都港区港南二丁目15番1号;15-1, KONAN 2-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 108-6020...
Koki Holdings aims to reduce the environmental impact throughout the entire lifecycle of its products by focusing on the three pillars of global warming prevention, resource recycling, and ecosystem conservation.
The Koki Holdings Group, including its overseas plants, implement environmental management systems. At the center of this system is the Environmental Committee, whose members include representatives not just of the manufacturing units, but group companies such as Sankyo Diamond Industrial Co. Decisions ...
申请/注册号:38593388申请日期:2019-05-31国际分类:第08类-手工器械商标申请人:工机控股株式会社;KOKIHOLDINGSCO.,LTD.办理/代理机构:北京银龙知识产权代理有限公司 IKOKI商标注册申请 申请/注册号:38578814申请日期:2019-05-31国际分类:第06类-金属材料商标申请人:工机控股株式会社;KOKIHOLDINGSCO.,LTD.办理/代理...
Koki Holdings Co., Ltd. authorizes you to copy the documents for non-commercial use within your organization only, provided that the above copyright notice appears in each and all copies. Except as expressly provided above, nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or ...
加工定制 : 是 由于汇率各方面因素影响,以上价格不作为成交价格,详情请来电垂询各地区商务代表,给您带来不便,深表歉意 株式会社 Koki Holdings Co., Ltd. Koki Holdings电动工具 工机控股电动工具器 品质有保 上多川国际贸易(江苏)有限公司 资质: 所在地: 江苏淮安 进入店铺 所有服务 发布需求 ...
(http://www.hitachi-koki.com/), a leading manufacturer of power tools and life-science equipment, announced on November 1 that the company will change its corporate name to Koki Holdings Co., Ltd., effective June 1, 2018, and will rebrand its full line of power tools known as HITACHI ...