The meaning of KOJI is a yeast or other starter prepared in Japan from rice inoculated with the spores of a mold (Aspergillus oryzae) and permitted to develop a mycelium.
The starches are concentrated in a ball of starch in the middle, and well centered, meaning it is easy to mill the outer fat and protein away, revealing only the starch. And, that protein and fat are at low levels to begin with, lowering the potential for off-flavors. And again: it ...
The various names are related to the final appearance of the koji and need no more explanation. More importantly, white and black koji are usually used in distilled beverages, shochu and awamori respectively, and contribute moderate to high levels of citric acid to the mix, something not found ...
POLITICAL philosophyPERSONAL namesMETAPHYSICSPAINIMAGINATIONThe article presents the political aspect of Heideggerian thought and relates it to an analysis of the ontological meaning of pain. Modern political thought is considered to be a part of modern technological thought. Therefore, the fundamen...
The Chinese counterpart for the wordkojiisqu, meaning bloom of mold. Made by growing molds on rice, barley, wheat, soybeans, or a combination, koji contains a great variety of enzymes that digest the starch, protein, and lipid components in raw materials. It is an intermediate product for...