Jul. 1996 Began manufacturing and sales of discharge headlamps. Mar. 1997 Built the Technology Center. Jul. 2000 Dissolved commercial agreement in North America with Ichikoh Industries. Aug. 2000 Certified ISO14001 in all domestic factories. Mar. 2001 Established Koito Czech s.r.o. in the Czech...
KOITO MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. (“KOITO”) (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Hiroshi Mihara) in collaboration with its subsidiary, North American Lighting, Inc. (Head Office:IL, USA; President: Kirk Gadberry) will be exhibiting advanced lighting products at CES 2019 to be held in ...
Southfield, Michigan, USA +1-248-327-6987 infous@marklines.com メキシコ León Guanajuato,Mexico +52-477-796-0560 infomx@marklines.com ドイツ Frankfurt am Main, Germany +49-69–904-3870-0 infoeuro@marklines.com 中国(上海) 〒200001 上海市黄浦区 +86-21-6212-6562 infoshanghai...
1989Keeping the former Shanghai Automotive Lamp Factory as the base organization, the company was established as a joint venture among three companies: Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd.;Koito Manufacturing; and Toyota Tsusyo. 1996The Company constructed a new factory in the Jia Ding District of Shang...
HASCO Vision will build a R&D and manufacturing site for automotive intelligent visual products and automotive electronics. (From multiple press releases dated February 2023) Product development-In 2022, the company upgraded to a new generation of DLP (Digital Light Processing) technology and developed...