Koine-Greek A linguistics reading list KKRead More We regularly get questions or requests for advice about linguistics literature. What books are good? What should I […] Report this ad
Dialect contact and koineization: the case of Hellenistic Greek The term "koine" is one of those useful but rather ill-defined linguistic terms that has to be rediscovered and redefined because it has been around for 23 centuries or so. It has been applied to a variety of languages, only ...
Audio annotations to graphicsGraphical visualizationAudio annotations to video demonstrations Video demonstrations of graphical elements Animated graphical frames (animated gifs) Audio annotations for animated graphicsAnimation of physical [linguistic?] concepts Text annotations to video frames7Rodney J. Decker...
aThe bulk of the documents relate to the running of a large, private estate is named after Heroninos because he was phrontistes (Koine Greek: manager) of the estate which had a complex and standarised system of accounting which was followed by all its local farm managers. 因为他是phrontis...
indicates that the cultural background of Job is hotly debated (Dhont 2016, 619). While not directly interested in lexicography, Dhont focuses on the debated cultural background of Job and, particularly the degree to which Job’s Greek translator was Hellenizing or not, via cultural investigation...
REVISITING ASPECT AND AKTIONSART: A CORPUS APPROACH TO KOINE GREEK EVENT TYPOLOGY. By Francis G. H. Pang. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2016. Pp. xii+299. $142.00.doi:10.1111/rsr.13464James B. ProthroReligious Studies Review