RPM limit:Maximum allowed rotations per minute for any device. Default is 300. Enable Pressure Control:Whether to use the pressure feature of this device. On by default. Pressure Mode:Determines how the pressure will be set. Cycle:Gradually build up and release pressure over a fixed duration....
Add mobs to roam mode v3.0 (Adds mobs in story mode) DefaultParamEditor v1.1.0.153 (Set custom default studio settings) Clothing State Menu v3.0.1 (Can undress in chara maker and in H scenes) Random Character Generator v2.0 (Adds character randomization function to chara maker) Free H Ran...
v3.0 All uncensors load correctly in the character maker, default uncensors display in character maker, body parts can be selected independently from the body, new format for uncensors, new bugs v3.1 Fixed uncensors not loading in the character maker accessed through the class menu, fixed some...