wall mounted bathroom faucet $786.00 $1,046.70 (90) rated 4.8 out of 5 stars.90 total votes sale memoirs™ 1.28 gpf water efficient elongated two-piece toilet (seat not included) $549.00 $732.00 (91) rated 4.8 out of 5 stars.91 total votes wellworth 1.0 gpf (water efficient) ...
wall mounted : yes it was beautiful, just as in the photo but unfortunately i had to return it. i received notice that it would be delivered about 67 weeks before it actually came, which was 2 days after my remodel began. by then, another valve was already installed.. deanna. heber ...
NOTICE:ifanewtoiletisnotinstalledimmediately,temporarilystuffaraginflangeaccessorybag. Flangeaccessorypackage Fig4 B.Roughing-in DANGER:Riskofelectricshock.Disconnectpowersupplybeforeservicing. NOTE:Thisproductisdesignedtoworkwithwallmountedelectricalandwatersuppliesasshowninthemounting ...
Kohler Veil Wall Faced Intelligent Toilet说明书 Australia www.kohler.com.au New Zealand www.kohler.co.nz Sizes are approximate.All measurements shown are in millimetres.March 20181351998-A04-A Installation Notes:• Water supply pressure range: Min 70kPa - Max 500kpa.• Power supply ...
EIR INTELLIGENT TOILET 尚思智能座便器 Kohler China Investment Co., Ltd.科勒(中國)投資有限公司 No.158, Jiangchangsan Road, Jing'An District, Shanghai, PRC Post Code : 200436中國上海市靜安區江場三路158號郵編:200436 Manufacturer: Shanghai Kohler Electronics., Ltd.製造商:上海科勒電子科技有限...
AdjustablewallthicknessAbout11-60mm *Thedescriptionofwaterefficiencylabelmarkedonintelligenttoilet:waterefficiencylabelrepresentsacompliancemarkofthewaterefficiencygradeetc.performanceofintelligenttoilet. *Powervaluetestingcondition:dynamicpressure0.2MPa,inletwatertemp15℃. ...
dimension.Thistoilethasa305/400mmroughing-in305/400mm() dimension.SeeRoughing-in. Closetflangemustbe305/400mmon-centerfromwall.305/400mm Carefullyinspectthenewfixtureforanysignofdamage. Fornewconstruction,refertothedimensionsin installationstepforlocatingtheshut-offvalve. ...
美国亚马逊 KOHLER K-6299-7 Veil Wall-Hung Elongated Toilet Bowl, Black Black - - Amazon历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名KOHLER K-6299-7 Veil Wall-Hung Elongated Toilet Bowl, Black Black - - Amazon
AFWALL ™ T OILET SHOWN GENERAL DESCRIPTION:Exposed, sensor-operated Selectronic ® Toilet Flush Valve for floor-mounted or wall-hung 1-1/2" top spud bowls. PWRX 10-Year Battery System.PRODUCT FEATURES:• P WRX ™ Battery System: Advanced battery & electronics reduce the downtime...
A toilet seat mounting assembly that includes a hinge mount on an upper surface of a portion of a pedestal, the hinge mount having a body with a bore; an anchor underneath a lower s